A War Cry and A Love Story

spiritual warfare and discipleship, showing a Viking warrior lifting his sword amidst a battle, symbolizing the call to bear one’s cross and follow Christ as described in a reflective Christian blog post.

His ministry lasted three years – that’s over 1,000 days of life-giving, soul-saving, absolutely perfect divine truths pouring out of His mouth – yet we have only four relatively short gospel accounts of His life. You could read them in one day if you wanted to. The last sentence of John’s Gospel says that if …read more →

Enduring Golgotha: Considerations As We Run

The crucifixion account and the race you run. A man Carrying a cross up a hill. Bearing the burdens.

“…let’s run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider Him who has endured such …read more →

The Rich Young Ruler: Could He Be You?

An emotional young man in a richly detailed, golden robe with blue and red gemstones walks towards the viewer in an ancient Middle Eastern market, with tears streaming down his face and a crowd of people in traditional attire in the background.

I imagine the crowds looking on with eager anticipation. Finally, someone ready to get to the point. Someone willing to stop wasting everyone’s time and ask the question they all want to know the answer to. “Teacher, what good thing shall I do so that I may obtain eternal life?” (Mathew 19:16) Immediately, a hush …read more →


A family enjoys a serene Christmas moment together, with a child and two adults sitting by a lit candle and a bowl of red ornaments, engrossed in prayer. The warm glow of the candlelight highlights their faces against the backdrop of a richly decorated Christmas tree and a cozy, dimly lit room, evoking a sense of holiday warmth and familial bond.

Last year, sometime in early December, as I was reflecting on the upcoming Christmas season, a very radical idea crossed my mind. It was a bold and sacrificial idea. Something very spiritual. Being the great saint that I am, I knew I would have to take action on it as soon as it hit me. …read more →

“The Shocking Message” by Paul Washer

Preacher with his finger pointed to an audience. Paul washer's "The Shocking Message"

Before delving into Paul Washer’s message, I highly recommend watching this short background video which clarifies the context and intent behind his powerful words. https://youtu.be/PrCvO8Elsis?si=MrrEQZwn-OqxDpUu Paul Washer’s  “The Shocking Message”  Full Length Sermon https://youtu.be/uuabITeO4l8?si=Yg8HFh-XqLrYfUE_


Image Description: An illuminated open book, symbolizing the power of sound biblical doctrine, emits a brilliant, radiant light, dispelling darkness and pushing back menacing demons. This image perfectly embodies the theme of enduring challenges and embracing sound doctrine. SEO Keywords: Sound Doctrine, Biblical Teaching, Endurance, Spiritual Light, Darkness Dispelled, Demons Vanquished. A list to be endured.

“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate unto themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires” (2Timothy 4:3) The following is a list of teachers and teaching that have remained faithful to sound biblical doctrine! I have created the following …read more →

BEYOND THE NOD?… A Tale of Two Gratitudes

Beyond the nod...A tale of two gratitudes

“Doesn’t it just make you so grateful?” That was the question asked to me countless times after coming home from last year’s mission trip to Kenya. As I shared stories of extreme poverty and sickness, of horrific living conditions, and the countless orphaned children, there was always one question that would conclude the discussion. It …read more →

FROM SHEPHERDS TO CLOWNS: The peril of the modern church!

From Shepherds to clowns.

“I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure …read more →

A Reflection on Alcohol After 12 years of Sobriety

young girl who wants to go on making mud pies on a slum, missing an offer of a holiday at sea.

SLUMMING IT “If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, It would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition, when infinite joy is offered us, like …read more →

A LOVE THAT IS FIERCE – Gods message to Mothers

A love that is fierce - Gods message to mothers. A woman standing with her children looking at a painting of a beautiful landscape designed by the artist

THE CREATOR REVEALS HIMSELF! What if I told you there was somewhere you could go to see God? I’m not talking about Heaven. I’m talking about somewhere you can see Him right now, today. What if I told you that likely, wherever you are, it would take you less than five minutes to get to …read more →

Taking the Exam and the Defeat of the American Dream!

Taking the Exam and the Defeat of the American Dream. Testimony, Self-Examination, Depression, Revival, Judgment Dark and ominous, the american dream with city skyline and statue of liberty, man studying the word.

Please note: The following was originally published as part of a mandatory annual white paper in the Christian Economic Forum. I have chosen to re-purpose it here on my blog for your benefit.   STRUNG OUT AND RE-BORN It was a typical humid afternoon in south Florida. I was 19 years old. There were only …read more →

What to do when you’re feeling BLAH!!

Man writing in Journal. What to do when you're feeling blah!!

Some days the last thing I “feel” like doing is reading His word OR praying!! I just feel spiritually lethargic. It’s not that I want to go plunge into sin…it’s just that I don’t feel anything….just BLAH!!! For me, one of the things that has helped me on those days is to write out the …read more →

What does it mean to believe?

young girl playing on train tracks with toys

Warning: There is a good chance you will not like what you are getting ready to read. But I believe in my heart that if you read this post to the end and give honest and prayerful consideration to the words I have written, and the scriptures presented, it could very well save your soul. …read more →

Wars and Love Stories

wars and love stories

There is a question that looms deep in the heart of every man.  It is the question that, as young boys, drew us to toy guns and action figures. It is the question that as men draws us to those epic movies.  Movies like Gladiator, Rocky, The Patriot, and Braveheart.  The women tend to think …read more →


A young man and a pastor sitting together in conversation, both leaning forward and engaged in deep discussion. The pastor is dressed in a clerical collar and appears to be listening intently to the young man, who is gesturing with his hands as he speaks. The background is a blurred interior of what appears to be a church or community space, with warm lighting and wooden paneling visible. The image conveys a sense of respectful dialogue and exploration of faith. Salvation through accepting Jesus. Spiritual Questions.

Johnny knocked on the door of Pastor Kenny’s office. “Come on in,” responded the pastor. He knew who it was before the door opened. Johnny had called him the day before and said he wanted to sit down with him because he had some “spiritual questions” he was wrestling with. “How have you been, Buddy?” …read more →

“He that has ears to hear! Let him hear”

“He that has ears to hear, let him hear!” That was the phrase Jesus so often used as He taught His great parables.  Although many were gathered around listening…only some were hearing! Two groups of people. Some had ears to hear, and some did not!  Both would listen to the same message – from the same Man – at …read more →

A Season of Examination!

**This post was originally published in “Living Magazine” in early 2022 under the title “Whose Kingdom am I Building” and references my 2021 trip to Kenya. It was almost midnight as I lay in my bed that night praying. With tears in my eyes, I finally committed to God and myself to do something I …read more →

The Journal- ” I LOVE YOU” and The Order of Nakedness

Mike Mazyck journal image

Entry #1 – (10-23-18)…ON “I LOVE YOU” I have experienced much power in worship and personal prayer lately in simply telling Him… “I love You”…. I’m becoming more and more aware that He loves to hear those words!  I can almost feel them edifying me as I speak them to Him! Entry #2 – (11-6-18)… ON …read more →

The Journal- 2’s and 3’s, The Watchmen and Worship

Mike Mazyck journal image

10-2-18 Entry #1- on the blood of the watchmen Revisited Ezekiel 33 last night.  Probably one of the more powerful passages of scripture in which God states that if a city appointments a watchmen and the watchmen sees the sword coming….but fails to sound the trumpet and warn the people!  The blood of the people …read more →

The Journal- On Life, Competition, and Crossfit

Mike Mazyck journal image

9-18-18 Entry #1- On Life Was reminded that the life I have created, whether good or bad, is simply a reflection of who I am internally.  The outward circumstances of my life today are the manifestation of who I was internally yesterday.  You can’t have a different life unless you become a different person! Entry …read more →

Capacity and Fullness

Capacity and Fullness

I have always loved the teaching I read in Randy Alcorn’s book, Heaven.   Writing on the topic of rewards in Heaven based on our lives on earth, Randy says that…. Everyone’s cup will be full in Heaven.  But some peoples’ cups will be much larger than others’ (paraphrasing).The great theologian, Jonathan Edwards, also shared this …read more →

The Journal- Life and the Fear of Teaching

Mike Mazyck journal image

9-14-18 Entry #1- ON THE FEAR OF TEACHING One of my greatest fears in putting out more content ( blog posts, video, journal entries like these, etc..) is that I will find myself coming to God and immediately being distracted. I fear that the minute He begins to speak I will immediately begin thinking of …read more →

The Journal- Simplicity, Generosity, and Perspective

Mike Mazyck journal image

ENTRY #1- On Simplicity and Generosity It is one thing to live a life of simplicity.  It is another thing to life a life of generosity!  But it is something entirely different than both of those to life a life of simplicity COMBINED with generosity.  Simplicity by itself can be easy….because the simpler I choose …read more →

Trees and Fruit


  It was nearly twenty years ago  that God came and rescued me out of the darkness I was in.  He chose one of the most shameful moments He possibly could to show up and pull the scales off of my eyes.  I will never forget sitting on the couch that night while I was …read more →


Christianity and Real Estate

I used to serve a different God.  I was a surfer, and the ocean was my god.  I won’t ever forget the first wave I caught at Folly Beach, South Carolina that summer.  I was probably only 11 or 12 years old and that wave was probably only three or four feet.    But the …read more →

Snapchat, my daughter, and the risky decision I made

Mike Mazyck Motivation

Intagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Music.ly, Twitter…OMG, I feel like my head is getting ready to explode from all of the things I believe I have to monitor and manage to protect my children these days. I feel exhausted at times just trying to keep up with it all! What is safe for them to have and …read more →

An Acceptable Slavery! – An open letter to my children #2

The following is the second letter in an series of “open letters” to my children.  They represent the lessons I’ve learned in  life that are most dear to my heart and are inspired by the last words my father wrote to me before he died.  To start with Letter #1…CLICK HERE!

An open letter to my Children #1

My father passed away unexpectedly in 2008. He was not a wealthy man and as a result, the possessions he left behind didn’t consist of much. I inherited a small life insurance policy (which barely covered his burial expenses), a coin collection, and a few other small items around his house that I decided to …read more →

Empty Handed

Mike Mazyck Motivation

I am reminded this morning that this “walk” with Christ on Earth is not a boring one.  It’s not a dull & boring life.  It is so easy to look around and see the ways of the world around us and the pursuits of those that don’t believe and begin to think the Christian life …read more →

Alcohol- What I Learned and Why I Quit!

bible and alcohol image

Five years ago I drank my last sip of alcohol. Every so often I have found it beneficial to re-visit the reasons why I decided to quit drinking and reflect on the things I learned during my time with alcohol. Over the last several years I have normally done this in my personal journal but I …read more →


work and family balance

Do you experience conflict with your spouse regarding the delicate balance between the amount of time spent working and the amount of time spent with the family? Do you feel like you and your spouse just aren’t “on the same page” when it comes to how much time you are spending at work and the …read more →

How to generate more revenue per client!

Mike Mazyck Business and God

I wanted to give you something this week that will generate immediate revenue into your business with zero out of pocket costs (less than a hundred bucks in the example I will use). You won’t need to generate any more leads and you will make more money with the clients you already have! I think …read more →

How should the Christian view Risk and Fear?

Mike Mazyck Motivation

For those of you who know me personally, or follow me on Facebook, you probably know that I took up Crossfit about a year ago. Now, I’m not writing this post to tell you about how much I enjoy Crossfit and the great things it has done for me.   I’m writing because I am consistently …read more →

“The Crazy Things Real Estate Agents Say”

Mike Mazyck Motivation

  Every so often I will teach a class to agents on some aspect of building and growing their business. It never fails that as I teach the class someone makes a comment that sounds something like this… “Mike, what your saying is great but honestly I don’t really want to have a business like …read more →

“The #1 Principle that Revolutionized my Business”

Mike Mazyck Motivation

Today I am going to share with you what I believe has been the single most influential and powerful business principle that I have relied upon during the last 10+ years of being in business. I think about this one principle nearly every day. It has become a filter to help me focus on what …read more →

“Don’t Touch that Manna”

Real estate is a 24/7 business, right? This is what the instructor taught at a recent continuing education course I attended. “You had better have your phone on you at all times and be ready to set that next appointment. When that offer comes in at 8:30 PM, you had better be ready to negotiate. …read more →

“Why Every Man Should Cheat”

Mike Mazyck Motivation

  The following is a true story that has stuck with me ever since the first time I heard it and seems to be one that the Holy Spirit continually reminds me of in my  personal walk of faith.  This is my best recollection of the story as it was told to me by a …read more →

Seeking- Part 2–“All Your Heart”

Mike Mazyck Motivation

Most Christians have heard the great verse in Jeremiah that proclaims … “I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity ,to give you a future and a hope” But it is far less often that the 2 verses that follow are recited with it. They …read more →

Seeking- part 1– “Standing in the Road”

I become more and more convinced that most Christians, including myself at many times, find ourselves unhappy  and unfulfilled in life because once we have accepted salvation and have His Spirit within us we face a great predicament.   We are like a man standing in the middle of the street and he must decide which …read more →

The Opportunity of a Lifetime

Mike Mazyck Motivation

WHEN OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS Most men would agree that great opportunities are a rare thing.  They have the perception that when opportunity knocks we had better answer.  We had better respond.  We better be ready.  They believe it could be “the opportunity of a lifetime”.  And while I do believe there is value in a continual …read more →

The One and Only Thing

If the story of God and man had to be boiled down to one word, what would it be?  What is the entire book really about? In my opinion, the word would be LOVE. That word sums up the entire history of man and his story on earth as given to us in the Bible.  …read more →


I find myself currently entrenched in one of the busiest seasons I have ever encountered in my life.  Our business has been very blessed lately and right now I am working very hard to keep up with the blessing that God has been pouring out to us.  Thank you Lord!!    Here is what I have …read more →

A Powerful Thought

“Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills: He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking glass.”   As a Man Thinketh, by James …read more →

Ripple Effects

Mike Mazyck Motivation

  I would like to start this post by sharing with you one of the most important and foundational business principles I have learned over the past 13-14 years.  I realize this is not a “business blog” but at times there are lessons I have learned in business that I have also found to have …read more →

Be on the alert!!

Tonight I listened to Mark Driscoll’s 3rd message in his current series on Ephesians.  I would highly recommend anything by Mark Driscoll but beware that he is not a “tickle your ears” kind of teacher.  He preaches the “whole” word of God.  As I listened I was reminded of something that I have found to be …read more →

Where are you?

In the beginning, shortly after that fatal snack, God came looking for man.  He walked through the Garden and He called out to Adam. The question God asked was this….”Where are you?”  Adam responded… “I heard the sound of You in the Garden, and I was afraid because I was naked” In the end, as …read more →

Why we don’t enter His presence. Part 2–“My pants are snug”

Mike Mazyck Motivation

                In this post I will cover the second major reason why most Christians fail to enter into the presence of God and experience the radical and life changing power that is found there. Once again, I am talking about that power that changes lives, marriages, and even businesses.  I am talking about entering into …read more →

Introduction: The Edge

I believe all of us on this earth, who are honest with ourselves, would admit that we go through certain seasons in the midst of our lives. Some of those seasons are filled with joy and happiness and prosperity. Some are not. Some of those seasons are filled with depression, hopelessness, confusion, and weariness. During …read more →