The Journal- ” I LOVE YOU” and The Order of Nakedness

Mike Mazyck journal image

Entry #1 – (10-23-18)…ON “I LOVE YOU”

I have experienced much power in worship and personal prayer lately in simply telling Him… “I love You”…. I’m becoming more and more aware that He loves to hear those words!  I can almost feel them edifying me as I speak them to Him!

Entry #2 – (11-6-18)… ON THE ORDER OF NAKEDNESS

Love is the continual revealing of a man and woman to each other.  Beginning in the depths of their soul.  Their emotions.  Their hidden struggles and fears.  This “emotional revealing” of one to the other will never take place unless both parties know they are completely safe.  They must know they are safe to reveal their innermost thoughts and struggles without being judged, rejected, or looked down upon. They must know they will be able to do this and still be completely loved and accepted!  The other party will never be able to offer this unconditional love and acceptance unless they fully understand the truth of the kingdom of God…that they need absolutely nothing from their spouse…. and all of their needs are met in God!

This “revealing” starts in the emotional ( even spiritual) and then culminates in the “physical revealing”…intercourse.  This is the essence of why the most intimate act between a man and a woman involves complete nakedness!  First….they are emotionally naked… and accepted with no shame.  Then ….they become physically naked…and are accepted with no shame.  I’m convinced that no man or woman is experiencing all that God has for them within marriage until they are walking in the fullness of this truth! We cannot circumvent the order.  We cannot start with physical nakedness!  It starts with the innermost being and culminates in the physical.  We are spiritual beings first! We simply inhabit a physical shell!  The depths and riches of what God designed for physical intimacy between a man and woman will never be experienced until we get the order of nakedness right!

*****Journal Entries are my way of being able to put out more of what is going on in my head and heart at a faster pace. Longer blog posts take time for me to to develop and articulate my thoughts, have someone proofread, get a photo done for them, etc…Therefore you may find grammatical/punctuation errors, and these posts won’t look as “pretty” as some of the others.  Many of these thoughts are “undeveloped”.  These are simply some of the things I am reflecting and thinking about during my time with God that I believe others could possibly benefit from.  I don’t post every entry.  Obviously some remain private to me.  Hope you enjoy!

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Mike Mazyck


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