Entry #1- on the blood of the watchmen
Revisited Ezekiel 33 last night. Probably one of the more powerful passages of scripture in which God states that if a city appointments a watchmen and the watchmen sees the sword coming….but fails to sound the trumpet and warn the people! The blood of the people will be required from the watchmen!( thats a paraphrase) I reflected on the fact that I have a duty and responsibility to share the knowledge that I have received. I will be held accountable for the things that I have seen and know!
I have found that their is a big difference when we move from singing about God….to singing to God!
Entry #3- on 2’s and 3’s…and the revelation of jesus christ
I have heard it said to me from multiple spiritual counselors in my life that God tends to speak to us in two’s and three’s. He tends to confirm the word He is speaking to us in multiple ways so that we will know its His voice. I’ve found myself hearing the following word from Him in multiple passages of scripture recently……
“Fix Your Eyes On Jesus/the Prize”….specifically in regards to fixing my eyes upon the prize I will receive when the race is over. Understanding that is where the strength comes to lay down my life now!
- —1 Peter 1:13- “…fix your hope completely upon the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ”
- —1John 3:3- “…and everyone who has this hope, fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.”….note that v.2 sets the context of this as being when we see Him face to face! Again…talking about the end!
- —Hebrews 12:2- “…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” …note that the preceding verse is creating an analogy of the olympic games in which the runner is running a race but has his eyes fixed upon the prize at the END OF THE RACE!
All 3 of these verses deal with our call to have our eyes continually fixed upon the prize we receive at the END OF THE RACE!!!
Journal Entries are my way of being able to put out more of what is going on in my head and heart at a faster pace. Longer blog posts take time for me to to develop and articulate my thoughts, have someone proofread, get a photo done for them, etc…Therefore you may find grammatical/punctuation errors, and these posts won’t look as “pretty” as some of the others. Many of these thoughts are “undeveloped”. These are simply some of the things I am reflecting and thinking about during my time with God that I believe others could possibly benefit from. I don’t post every entry. Obviously some remain private to me. Hope you enjoy!