Looking in the Mirror: Ten Words to Wake Up the American Church

I was watching the recording on the other side of a computer screen, twenty years later, when I heard those ten words. I couldn’t believe what I had just heard come out of the preacher’s mouth. Although I wasn’t there, I felt everything in that room change. The entire atmosphere had shifted. You could feel …read more →
“The Shocking Message” by Paul Washer

Before delving into Paul Washer’s message, I highly recommend watching this short background video which clarifies the context and intent behind his powerful words. https://youtu.be/PrCvO8Elsis?si=MrrEQZwn-OqxDpUu Paul Washer’s “The Shocking Message” Full Length Sermon https://youtu.be/uuabITeO4l8?si=Yg8HFh-XqLrYfUE_