Entry #1 – (10-8-18)…ON BEING PRESENT
I tend to dwell 90% in the future and 10% in the present. I need to flip this. The future never arrives! I only have the present! Right now!
Entry #2 – (11-6-18)… ON BEING PRESENT…AGAIN
(As you can see from the date this is out of order but it was relevant to the above entry so Im posting it here!)
Life does not exist until you are 100% present and in the moment! FEAR is what keeps us from being able to live in the present….always rushing to the future, to do the next thing and never experiencing life in the present moment! Fear of man, fear of lack, fear of….. This will be one of the great joys and unfathomable riches of heaven. The absence of all forms of fear will open up infinite life to us and although we have all of eternity we will find ourselves living in the present moment at all times!
At times I find myself envying the person who doesn’t own a business. Their is a blessing in the ability to go to work , perform a prescribed set of tasks, and leave! And not bring that work home with them and the accompanying pressures of running a business and/or even working in a 100% sales position. I believe its possible that spiritual progress would be much easier for the person who is employed by another. Of course…I know I only see one side of this equation!
Entry #4 ( 10-15-18) …ON JOY IN GIVING
I should take more joy in my giving! Ive not taken much joy in it throughout my christian walk because I have continued to treat it as a requirement for God to be pleased with me and accept me. I know I must begin to change my thinking in this area and move more into the knowledge and truth that He requires NOTHING from me. I do everything out of LOVE! He is always smiling….every time I make a choice to give…with JOY IN MY HEART….no matter the amount and no matter how great the sacrifice was! As I sit and reflect on this truth I feel much power and encouragement in it!
*****Journal Entries are my way of being able to put out more of what is going on in my head and heart at a faster pace. Longer blog posts take time for me to to develop and articulate my thoughts, have someone proofread, get a photo done for them, etc…Therefore you may find grammatical/punctuation errors, and these posts won’t look as “pretty” as some of the others. Many of these thoughts are “undeveloped”. These are simply some of the things I am reflecting and thinking about during my time with God that I believe others could possibly benefit from. I don’t post every entry. Obviously some remain private to me. Hope you enjoy!