Entry #1- On the insignificance of this life
I am reminded today that all of the things on my to-do list and all of the things of this world…are worthless and insignificant in light of Him. Many people may think that would be a depressing or discouraging thought but I have found the opposite to be true!. When I get weighed down with the pressures and anxieties of life is when I find myself believing that this world and the things within it actually matter much more than they do. As soon as I realize the complete insignificance of them I find myself relieved of all pressure and energized to carry out the things I need to do with joy and strength! Lord, please help me to maintain this perspective.
Its been encouraging recently to hear of multiple reports of people being impacted by some of the things I have been writing or doing videos on. Especially some of the reports of radical mindset shifts from those who have been listening to the teaching of Dan Mohler!
As I sit and reflect on doing more teaching, writing , speaking, etc… I find myself wondering….will God judge me not only by His word…but by my own as well? Will I find myself standing before Him and hearing my own blog posts read aloud, and my facebook videos played back for me…only to come to the sobering realization I was a hypocrite in many areas, and didn’t live up to the very things I was teaching. I wonder if that will be part of every mans judgment? I wonder if all men will stand before Him, and listen as their own words are replayed and read aloud, only to realize that they not only failed His test…but failed their own as well! And by this all men will know that His judgment was righteous and true…because in this way…men will pronounce themselves guilty!
Lord, please reveal to me where my life does not line up with the words Im speaking! Change my heart and my mind in those areas and cause me to become more like You!!
*****Journal Entries are my way of being able to put out more of what is going on in my head and heart at a faster pace. Longer blog posts take time for me to to develop and articulate my thoughts, have someone proofread, get a photo done for them, etc…Therefore you may find grammatical/punctuation errors, and these posts won’t look as “pretty” as some of the others. Many of these thoughts are “undeveloped”. These are simply some of the things I am reflecting and thinking about during my time with God that I believe others could possibly benefit from. I don’t post every entry. Obviously some remain private to me. Hope you enjoy!