The Journal- On Life, Competition, and Crossfit

Mike Mazyck journal image
Entry #1- On Life

Was reminded that the life I have created, whether good or bad, is simply a reflection of who I am internally.  The outward circumstances of my life today are the manifestation of who I was internally yesterday.  You can’t have a different life unless you become a different person!

Entry #2- On Competition

I wonder if their is a place for “competition” within the kingdom of God.  I find that all forms of competition on this earth, outside of competing against myself, are rooted in PRIDE.  Whether its 1 on 1 competition or team competition it seems to me that at the end of the day it all comes down to… “I’m better than you” or “my team is better than yours”….which seems only to be pride based to me and I don’t see how it fits into His Kingdom.  Even the talents and abilities that I have come from Him….so where is their room for boasting?  Maybe in the fact that one person or team practiced harder and underwent stricter discipline to achieve the victory?  I don’t know…I have a feeling that even that does not provide room for boasting and is pride based.

Entry #3- On Crossfit Competitions

“Crossfit competitions are like car shows.  They are where large groups of people go to show off how much of their time, money, and energy they have sunk into their depreciating assets”

PLEASE NOTEJournal Entries are my way of being able to put out more of what is going on in my head and heart at a faster pace. Longer blog posts take time for me to to develop and articulate my thoughts, have someone proofread, get a photo done for them, etc…Therefore you may find grammatical/punctuation errors, and these posts won’t look as “pretty” as some of the others.  Many of these thoughts are “undeveloped”.  These are simply some of the things I am reflecting and thinking about during my time with God that I believe others could possibly benefit from.  I don’t post every entry.  Obviously some remain private to me.  Hope you enjoy!

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Mike Mazyck


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